BelleMosaic                                mosaics made with love

Mosaic has been my hobby for about 13 years now.  I started when I was having treatment and didnt have the energy for my usual two dog walks a day.  I received a book - Mosaics in a Weekend  which was great and got me started.  The first one I did was A Grecko Plaque which still hangs in my bathroom.  From there I was hooked.
Over the years I have made many gifts for friends and family but I think they now have enough!  With working full-time and running a busy boarding cattery there wasn't much time left for a hobby.  However, with lockdown and closing the cattery  I had time to spend on my hobby and set up an Etsy Shop.  
 Mosaic can be quite an expensive hobby to get started.  With this is mind I made up kits, the most popular being one to make a table.  The kit consists of everything needed - an Ikea table, pre-cut tiles, glue and grout.  This way you can decide if you actually enjoy mosaic.  The  first kit was for three Christmas decorations and much to my surprise sold over a hundred in the first year.
Please have a look at the gallery which shows many of the projects I have done over the years.  If you would like to get started please get in touch.Thank you